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Neural therapy session at Centrolab with a specialist administering treatment to a patient.

Neural Therapy in Medellín

Therapy for Chronic Pain Relief

Discover Neural Therapy at Centrolab, Medellín. This advanced treatment focuses on identifying and addressing underlying causes of chronic pain and health issues by stimulating specific nerves and tissues. Our approach aims to restore balance, alleviate pain, and improve overall health. Experience personalized care from our expert team and explore how Neural Therapy can benefit your well-being.

Five Benefits of Neural Therapy:

  1. Chronic Pain Relief: Neural therapy can effectively alleviate chronic pain by targeting and treating the underlying causes, helping to reduce discomfort and improve your quality of life.
  2. Improved Circulation: This therapy enhances blood flow to the affected areas, promoting better healing and reducing inflammation.
  3. Restoration of Nerve Function: Neural therapy aims to restore proper nerve function by addressing disruptions and imbalances in the nervous system, leading to improved overall health.
  4. Reduction of Muscle Tension: By addressing nerve-related issues, neural therapy can help reduce muscle tension and spasms, leading to greater physical comfort and flexibility.
  5. Enhanced Overall Well-being: Through its holistic approach, neural therapy supports the body's natural healing processes, contributing to better overall well-being and balance.
Modern equipment used for neural therapy at Centrolab, Medellín.

Neural Therapy Service at Centrolab

¿Qué es la Terapia Neural?

La terapia neural es una técnica terapéutica basada en la medicina neural que se centra en la regulación del sistema nervioso autónomo para tratar una variedad de condiciones de salud. Utiliza inyecciones de anestésicos locales en puntos específicos del cuerpo, conocidos como "puntos de bloqueo", para corregir disfunciones en el sistema nervioso y aliviar el dolor.

¿Cómo Funciona la Terapia Neural?

La terapia neural actúa sobre el sistema nervioso y sus ramas para restaurar el equilibrio y la comunicación entre las diferentes partes del cuerpo. El tratamiento se basa en la idea de que las alteraciones en el sistema nervioso pueden causar o contribuir a una variedad de problemas de salud. Al inyectar anestésicos locales en áreas específicas, se busca deshacer bloqueos neurológicos, mejorar la circulación, y reducir la inflamación.

¿Qué Enfermedades y Condiciones Trata?

La terapia neural puede ser efectiva para una amplia gama de condiciones, incluyendo:

  • Dolor Crónico: Ideal para tratar dolores persistentes que no responden bien a otras terapias.

  • Migrañas y Dolores de Cabeza: Puede ayudar a aliviar las cefaleas crónicas y migrañas.

  • Trastornos del Sueño: Contribuye a mejorar la calidad del sueño al equilibrar el sistema nervioso.

  • Fibromialgia: Alivia el dolor y mejora la movilidad en personas con fibromialgia.

  • Lesiones y Traumatismos: Favorece la recuperación y reduce el dolor asociado con lesiones y traumas.

  • Trastornos Digestivos: Puede ayudar a aliviar problemas gastrointestinales al mejorar la función del sistema nervioso.

¿Cómo se Realiza el Tratamiento?

El tratamiento de terapia neural se realiza mediante la aplicación de inyecciones de anestésicos locales en puntos específicos del cuerpo. Estos puntos pueden estar ubicados en áreas afectadas por el dolor o disfunciones, así como en zonas relacionadas con el problema. La sesión es mínimamente invasiva y suele durar entre 20 y 60 minutos, dependiendo de la condición del paciente y la extensión del tratamiento.

¿Cuántas Sesiones se Necesitan?

La cantidad de sesiones necesarias varía según la condición tratada y la respuesta del paciente al tratamiento. Generalmente, se pueden requerir varias sesiones para lograr resultados óptimos, y el número exacto será determinado por el especialista en función de la evaluación individual del paciente.

¿Es Doloroso el Procedimiento?

La mayoría de los pacientes experimenta poco o ningún dolor durante el procedimiento. Las inyecciones pueden causar una ligera molestia momentánea, pero generalmente se toleran bien. Los efectos secundarios suelen ser mínimos y temporales.

¿Por Qué Elegir Centrolab para la Terapia Neural?

En Centrolab, nuestros especialistas altamente capacitados en terapia neural están comprometidos con ofrecer un tratamiento seguro y eficaz. Utilizamos técnicas avanzadas y personalizadas para abordar las necesidades específicas de cada paciente, proporcionando un enfoque integral para el manejo del dolor y la mejora del bienestar general.

Ofrecemos la terapia neural en nuestras sedes en Medellín:

  • Sede Centro: Cll 57A #48-21

  • Sede Poblado: Carrera 43DD #8-56

Para más información o para agendar una consulta, no dudes en contactarnos a través de nuestro WhatsApp: (310) 344-7688 o al teléfono: (604) 604-2204. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudarte a mejorar tu salud y bienestar con la mejor atención en terapia neural!

"After years of suffering from chronic migraines, I decided to try neural therapy at Centrolab. The experience has been transformative. The sessions have significantly reduced the frequency and intensity of my migraines. I am very grateful to the Centrolab team for their professionalism and care."

Laura Gómez

"I suffered from chronic lower back pain that limited my mobility and quality of life. Neural therapy at Centrolab has been a game changer. I have experienced a remarkable improvement in pain and flexibility. The treatment has exceeded my expectations and restored my ability to enjoy my daily activities."

Carlos Martínez

"After a car accident, I experienced persistent pain in my neck and back. I decided to try neural therapy at Centrolab, and I am thrilled with the results. The treatment has alleviated the pain and improved my overall well-being. I highly recommend Centrolab to anyone seeking relief from chronic pain."

Daniela Pulgarín

Testimonials from Clients

FAQs about Neural Therapy at Centrolab

¿What is neural therapy? Neural therapy is a medical treatment that involves the injection of anesthetic agents into specific areas of the body to address chronic pain and dysfunction. The goal is to restore normal function by targeting and correcting disturbances in the nervous system.

  • Is neural therapy safe? Yes, neural therapy is generally safe when administered by a qualified professional. It involves using local anesthetics in small amounts and is well-tolerated by most patients. At Centrolab, we follow strict protocols to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.
  • What conditions can neural therapy treat? Neural therapy can be used to treat various conditions, including chronic pain, headaches, migraines, joint pain, muscle pain, and other neurological disorders. It is also beneficial for conditions related to nerve damage or inflammation.
  • How does neural therapy work? Neural therapy works by injecting anesthetic agents into specific nerves or trigger points. This helps to interrupt pain signals and reduce inflammation, allowing the body to heal and restore normal function. It also helps to reset the nervous system and improve overall well-being.
  • How many sessions are required? The number of sessions required varies depending on the condition being treated and the individual’s response to therapy. Some patients may experience relief after just one or two sessions, while others may require multiple sessions for optimal results. Your therapist will determine the appropriate treatment plan for you.
  • Are there any side effects of neural therapy? Side effects are rare but may include temporary discomfort at the injection site, minor bruising, or swelling. These effects are usually short-lived and resolve on their own. If you experience any persistent or unusual symptoms, consult your therapist.
  • Is neural therapy suitable for everyone? Neural therapy is suitable for many individuals, but it may not be recommended for those with certain medical conditions or sensitivities to anesthetic agents. It is important to discuss your medical history and any concerns with your therapist to determine if neural therapy is right for you.
  • Can neural therapy be combined with other treatments? Yes, neural therapy can be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as physical therapy, medication, or lifestyle changes. Your therapist will work with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.
  • How long does a neural therapy session last? A typical neural therapy session lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. The duration may vary depending on the number of injection sites and the complexity of the condition being treated. Your therapist will provide you with an estimated time for your session.
  • How can I schedule a neural therapy appointment at Centrolab? To schedule a neural therapy appointment at Centrolab, please contact us via phone at (310) 344-7688 or email at You can also visit our website to book an appointment online.

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